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Like shopping and finding bargains at Outlets, Discount Stores, Indoor/Outdoor Swapmeets, Yard/Garage Sales & Thrift Stores. Enjoy watching old black & white classic movies, HGTV, Food Network, VH1, AMC, TV Land, A&E, TCM, "E", Discovery, Travel and the History Channel. Pastime favorites, Gourmet Cooking, Baking, Working Out at a Gym & Tennis.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

GOING UP OR DOWN? (Elevator Etiquette)

I have been really annoyed with students at this college that I transferred to and it relates to the elevator. On several occasions I have been put in a position where I am either going up or down an elevator and when the door opens have a student standing right in front of the door and didn’t have the courtesy to move the HELL out of the way so that I can get my ASS out of the elevator. Or, I have had some students have the audacity to squeeze by me and not say excuse me just to get on the elevator first instead of letting me out!

Does anyone know that when it comes to proper etiquette and an elevator you are technically suppose to let the person out first before you enter? It does make sense because why would you enter an elevator by having to squeeze by someone and go behind them to the back of the elevator instead of just letting them out first; when if you would have just let them out of the elevator in the first place you wouldn’t have put yourself in a position to have to squeeze by them to get in the elevator, PHEW!

I’ve had to say excuse me to some of these students standing right in front of the door so that they can get out of my way so that I can come out of the elevator which is something that I shouldn’t have to do. In addition, I was so pissed about the whole situation that I just flat out told some of them that they should let me out of the elevator first before they enter; some have apologize and some just don’t say anything. It’s just annoying to me to have to move out of the way so that they can get in the elevator. Students come in all ages, but this has occurred with the younger students (straight out of high school – early 20’s). Maybe these students don’t know what proper etiquette is when it comes to an elevator or maybe they just don’t care.

Now holding the elevator for someone is a different story and I must say that so far I haven’t had this problem with students at this college. I recall one day when I had just got on the elevator and I heard someone running and panting; I press the button to keep the elevator doors open until the person arrived. When she got on the elevator I was thinking to myself, this person looks familiar; it was just she and I on the elevator and when I looked back I realized it was Elphie. Gosh I feel old, I can’t believe how much she has grown; I remember when she was around 9 or 10. I recall when Screg and I ran into her at a neighborhood ice cream shop and she was with a friend; still in high school at the time and now she’s in college.

In the elevator we briefly talked about what a great college this was, the beautiful campus and how nice the people were. My work shift had ended, tired and ready to go home, when the elevator doors open as we headed for our cars in the parking lot; I told her to have a great weekend and we said our goodbyes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eeek, doesn't it make you want to slug someone? You're right, there is an etiquette. People waiting to get on an elevator (or bus or train) should stand to the side, then get on when people exiting have gotten off.

Also, if you know you're going many floors and that the elevator or train is going to stop a few times, you should work your way towards the rear, shuffling forward at each stop as you near your stop.

Finally, if the elevator is crowded and you're near the control panel, it's nice to ask new arrivals what floor they need so they don't have to lean over everyone.

I think the problem is worse with younger ones in this day and age. People don't raise their children to pay attention to and consider what's going on around them.

7:52 AM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

yeah, i hate rude assholes too!

5:32 PM  

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