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Location: San Diego County, California, United States

Like shopping and finding bargains at Outlets, Discount Stores, Indoor/Outdoor Swapmeets, Yard/Garage Sales & Thrift Stores. Enjoy watching old black & white classic movies, HGTV, Food Network, VH1, AMC, TV Land, A&E, TCM, "E", Discovery, Travel and the History Channel. Pastime favorites, Gourmet Cooking, Baking, Working Out at a Gym & Tennis.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Everyone will always affiliate the “Mini Cooper” car with the movie “The Italian Job”. Sales of the Mini Coopers did skyrocket after the movie.

In my opinion, the Real Italian Job is the Chrysler 300. This car exemplifies, Italian, Bad Ass, Don’t f—k with me! I haven’t seen the inside of these cars but I love the exterior; especially the sleek, black ones with the tinted windows and big chrome wheels.

Screg and I refer to the Chrysler 300 as the Mafia car.

You be the judge.


Blogger bert wolfe said...

The 300 looks cool. I think you guys should get one. Put the limo tint on and you're set!

6:43 PM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

then you need to drop it down and put in a chain link steering wheel and rotating rims

9:17 PM  
Blogger mikshir said...

don't forget the little tassels that should hang along the edge of the inside roof.

9:39 AM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

actually a friend of mine just got this car. she calls it her ghetto car.

it sure doesn't look like a ghetto car to me.

10:15 PM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

i saw that car friend's husband drove it to our daughters' dance practice.

it's a v-8 engine (big too) but switches to 4 (or is it 6) cylinder mode on the freeway. he said they got a good deal on it becuase the dealership was getting rid of their 2006's in december.

they have a nice black paint job (with some shimmer to it, not a dull black) and a leather interior. it's quite roomy.

my friend is a tiny thing (barely 5 feet if that much). she got tired of driving a small scion and got this monster instead.

8:51 PM  
Blogger Kilatzin said...

Actually, I drive a video game version of the 300 on my Xbox -- the Midnight Club 3 video game. Racing games are all I have time for these days. 2 or 3 minutes tops and you're out / got your fix. Yeah, customized it with a cherry red sheen and orange lit underbelly.

Why drive the real thing when you can wreck a video game version like a madman with no real collateral damage (unless you buy into that Tron bullsh#t)?

10:26 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Bert, I don't think we'll be sporting one anytime soon.

Mikshir, we finally decide to get rid of those tassels hanging on our rear view mirrors when we bought new cars.

Canine, I agree; the chrysler 300 doesn't fit the image of a ghetto car because its more of a luxury car. A v-8 engine that switches to a 6 or 4; how interesting.

Kilatzin, with Sega Genesis, Nintendo & the X-Box; there are just too many buttons for me. When I try playing those games I'm usually blown-up within seconds. I'm from the pinball generation and as far as buttons go, I can only handle video games with minimal ones. The last video game that I played was house of the dead.

11:02 AM  
Blogger ScregMan said...




-End of line

1:40 PM  
Blogger Kilatzin said...

Well, Hotfudge, the cool thing about the racing games is that they're not that complicated. you got your steering, you got your gas pedal, you got your brake.

and about the tron thing . . . oohh those 0s and 1s are real beings!!! that's such a gay idea.

9:25 PM  

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