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Location: San Diego County, California, United States

Like shopping and finding bargains at Outlets, Discount Stores, Indoor/Outdoor Swapmeets, Yard/Garage Sales & Thrift Stores. Enjoy watching old black & white classic movies, HGTV, Food Network, VH1, AMC, TV Land, A&E, TCM, "E", Discovery, Travel and the History Channel. Pastime favorites, Gourmet Cooking, Baking, Working Out at a Gym & Tennis.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Now Showing: A Double Feature

When was the last time you saw double feature? For me, it was way back in the 70’s when my family and I would go and see ‘Blaxploitation,’ films and ‘Chinese Martial Arts Cinemas’ starring Bruce Lee or other martial artists.

With blaxploitation films I remember “JD’s Revenge and “Sugar Hill” (just to name a few) and with Chinese Cinemas there were a couple of other Bruce’s on the big screen that did martial arts such as “Le” and “Li.” I even remember some female martial artists that could kick some serious ASS; like ‘China Doll’ and ‘Kung Fu Mama’. Back then it was usually 2-3 movies for one low price of around a buck or two.

Well, Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez bring you “Grindhouse”, an action packed double feature of “Planet Terror” and “Death Proof”. Quentin gives Grindhouse that 70’s look. In addition; he’s added imaginary previews of made-up movies.

Tarantino was influenced by Chinese Cinema and Blaxploitation films.

Grindhouse is an American term for a theater that mainly showed exploitation films. Grind-houses were known for non-stop programs of B movies, often consisting of a double feature where two films were shown back to back. These films were all exploitation 70’s genres (e.g. kung fu, & Italian horror—also known as giallo, sexploitation, "good old boy" redneck car-chase movies, blaxploitation and spaghetti Westerns.)

My cousin thinks Quentin has a demented look… That he and his films are weird. But I like Tarantino’s films and so far he hasn’t let me down yet.

Grindhouse is now playing at a theatre near you and I can’t wait to see it!


Blogger caninecologne said...

Bert and I want to see this movie as well! It will have to be one of these weekends since we can't really watch movies on weekdays due to TC, work, etc...

I really like Quentin Tarantino. He does things differently! Robert Rodriguez, I don't like as much. Especially Spy Kids.

I have never seen a real double feature so Grindhouse will be my first. THe previews looked pretty good and twisted.

8:00 PM  
Blogger bert wolfe said...

The machine gun leg is AWESOME! That was enough to hook me into wanting to see it. Although I'm not sure when we can...

7:54 AM  
Blogger ScregMan said...

Loved it all... even the fake previews.

Classic style with a modern touch...

1:38 PM  
Blogger mikshir said...

I for one am hoping I can check this out while in the theater. I remember first seeing the preview when I watched 300. I was busting up at the machine gun leg scene. Way over the top. I knows I'z gonna luvvit.

10:14 PM  

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