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Location: San Diego County, California, United States

Like shopping and finding bargains at Outlets, Discount Stores, Indoor/Outdoor Swapmeets, Yard/Garage Sales & Thrift Stores. Enjoy watching old black & white classic movies, HGTV, Food Network, VH1, AMC, TV Land, A&E, TCM, "E", Discovery, Travel and the History Channel. Pastime favorites, Gourmet Cooking, Baking, Working Out at a Gym & Tennis.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


One Saturday, I was on my way to teach my class and just about a block from the college at a light my car decides to stall on me. Dammit, I said; thinking to myself of all places that my car could have stopped why not on the College Campus; this way I could have just walked to my class without being late. I wish the car could have held on just a little bit longer and stalled on campus. Thank Goodness it was at a light and not in the middle of an intersection. So, I did the obvious of trying to re-start it again which made a choking noise as if it wanted to start but I had no luck. It’s not the battery, this I know for sure because there was still some juice to the car when I tried re-starting it. I couldn’t just leave my car there so at this point I knew that I wasn’t going to make it to class on time. So, I put my hazard lights on and called the admin office to inform my students that I was going to be about an hour late.

In the midst of this all one thing I must say is that Californians are rude! There was nothing that I could do but call AAA to tow me and you would not believe all the honks I got. I’m thinking, screw all of you people, what do you want me to do, just get out of the car and push it myself. These people honestly must have thought that honking at me will solve the problem and the car would just suddenly start; they should have just gotten off their asses and helped instead of honking. I was on my way to work, where were these people going; I highly doubt work. Considering some of them had their families in the car and it was a Saturday, shopping would be my guest. I see all of these young & older healthy men passing me by in their cars, honking and not one of them took the initiative to help a damsel in distress. It was actually a single woman with her child in a van that got out and pushed me to the side of the road.

It didn’t take AAA long to arrive; 30 minutes. I could have had them tow it to the nearest auto repair shop, but that would have taken more time, plus I prefer taking it to my own auto repair shop. I didn’t want my students waiting any longer so I had them tow it on campus. By the time they hooked the car on the tow truck and drove me to the college I was 45 minutes late. After my class ended I had them re-tow it to the auto repair shop and they diagnosed it as the Timing Belt and some other items related to the Timing Belt which was going to cost me over $1,000 to repair. Since I had the car for almost 10 years and it had over 123,000 miles I felt that it wasn’t worth pumping that kind of money into the car; so, I ended up just buying a another one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl I hear you. Men are not raised the same these days to take pride in helping others. I've had a couple occassions where guys actually helped me. Once I got stuck in the mud at Southwestern College and a couple guys helped push me out. Another time, coming home from SDSU I ran out of gas going uphill on College (with Shogun). A couple cornfed college guys helped us push my car into a gas station.

Another time, while driving to Vegas, I passed a girl who had recently flipped her car and it was on its side. The interesting things was that everyone who stopped was a minority. Even though I couldn't do much to help, I felt like I had to stop and ask.

Sorry there were no cowboys in yer neck of the woods :(

12:48 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

I’m not sure what’s going on with men these days either. I remember when I use to catch the bus to work years ago and when old or pregnant women would get on the bus I was more prone to give up my seat for them then the young men would. I don’t know if it has something to do with a lot of young men these days being fatherless, their mother not teaching them any better or just plain ignorance. I’ve had guys help me out with my car before in the past but as you said the interesting thing was that they were all minorities. I don’t know, maybe it had something to do with the neck of woods that I happened to be in that day when I needed help.

11:02 AM  
Blogger bert wolfe said...

So when did this happen? I thought you just got a new car?

Sucks about no one helping out. If I were there, I'd definitely help out by watching that lady's van while she and her kid helped push your car aside.

Chivalry is dead, ladies. It's the 21st Century. Deal with it.

10:45 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

This happened several months ago before I decided to just go ahead and buy a new car.

Bert, you would watch the lady's van and not helped me out with my car? My feelings that day were, if you don’t want to help, fine; but don’t blow at me expecting the car to start. Okay, who need men, that’s why I have AAA.

11:21 AM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

i think bert was being sarcastic...just making sure...i don't want you to think my husband is a jerk.

that is really sad when bozos honk and don't even try to help. men are pigs.

7:02 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Yeah, I know. I thought it was pretty amusing, that’s why I threw out some sarcasm humor as well. Bert has always been a perfect gentleman in my presence.

8:44 PM  
Blogger bert wolfe said...

Oink, oink, baby... Oink, oink...

(how's that for sarcasm?)

9:20 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Oink! Oink! Back at ya.

3:01 PM  
Blogger ScregMan said...


Back to your corners...

7:02 PM  

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