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Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Sad Day in Rock History

1951 - 2007

Holy Shit! Lead singer, Brad Delp of the Rock Group Boston was found dead yesterday in his Southern New Hampshire home by his long time girlfriend; he was only 55. There was no evidence of foul-play, he was a fairly healthy guy; a non-smoker and vegetarian for four decades. Brad was described by his neighbors as a generous and friendly down-to-earth person; he was the type of guy that would help his neighbors shovel snow off thier lawns and driveways. In addition, he also performed several concerts to benefit various charities.

I still can't believe it. I remember when Screg and I saw them perform in concert a couple years ago at Pechanga. They were awesome! Brad's high range voice, he still had it when they performed that year. We were so looking forward to seeing them perform again in concert; we would check the Reader Newspaper every week to see when they were coming back to San Diego.

I heard the news on the radio and was pretty pissed off at the media for not covering any information on his death; it was the usual same-ole-shit about Anna Nicole Smith. I was also pretty bummed about the radio stations not playing any of his songs as tribute to him.

In my opinion, Boston was one of the greatest rock groups of all times. I'll be playing Boston alot in my car this week. Rest in peace Brad, you'll be missed!


Blogger Mulysa said...

what a thoughtful way to remember someone...

4:05 PM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

This is so sad! Brad Delp was and still IS one of my favorite singers!

Boston was one of the first rock bands I really got into as a kid, besides Van Halen, Queen, and Cheap Trick.

No one had the soaring vocals of Brad Delp along with the musicianship and technical wizardry of their guitarist, Tom Scholz.

Sad news HF. I'm glad I read it on your blog.

10:59 PM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

FYI, Bert heard about this on the radio when the DJsaid, "And this is for the LATE Brad Delp", then he played a Boston song.

It's hard to believe. This man was truly gifted in his singing ability. Nobody could sing like Brad Delp. Even after 30 years, their first album sounds as fresh as ever. Delp's amazing and versatile vocals on "More Than a Feeling", "Don't Look Back", and "Peace of Mind" rank among my favorite songs; it's easy to see/hear why he is one of rock's best loved and respected rock vocalists.

I'l be listening to Boston as well this week.

9:37 PM  
Blogger mikshir said...

I remember once Screg and I feeling sad when Freddie Murcury died and we had talked about seeing Queen in concert but then could never again.

10:05 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:51 AM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Thanks Mulysa.

Canine, with me it was ELO, Boston, Journey, Chicago & Genesis. I later got into Queen & Van Halen. In my opinion it didn't seem like he got alot of air time. I was flipping through radio stations that day and thought that KGB-101 would have played more of his songs. Even with the Entertainment shows I didn't hear anything. I did come across this news clip on ( it looks like he got more airtime in his hometown. Oh and thanks for the e-mail.

Mikshir, I remember when Freddy Mercury died too. That was also a truly sad day.

6:51 PM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

That was truly sad when Freddie Mercury died. One day, my brother said, "Hey, guess who has AIDS!", then the very next day, our artist friend in NYC (we went to her wedding) called me and said, "Hey, guess who died!" That was back in '91 I believe

10:04 PM  
Blogger mikshir said...

Ok, how many of you still have a "KGB 101FM" card? I remember getting them at Spaceworld (or was it Casey's?) arcade for a discount. I'm sure I have one somewhere.

I still have this robotic voice in my head from the radio "KGB FM Rooock Saaaan Dieeeegooooo".

8:46 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:59 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Mikshir, I remember the robotic voice, "KGB FM Rooock Saaaan Dieeeegooooo" I think I remember having a card too. Was the card black with yellow writing? It's been so long, I don't remember where I got it from.

9:12 PM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

Actually it's
"101 KGB FM ROCKS San Diego"

I had several cards actually but I'm sure they're all gone...

The background of the KGB card is black with the fat rounded bubble letters spelling out the call letters, KGB FM. Underneath it, 101.5. The letters were red and white.

I used my card at Rubio's back in college to get fish tacos for a $1!

Re: Brad Delp's death
How very sad...I was hoping it wouldn't have been suicide. I wonder what was so awful in his life for him to resort to that? And his fiancee was the one who found him too. How tragic.

10:23 PM  
Blogger caninecologne said...


they don't say 101.

my bad

10:26 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Screg received an e-mail from a friend regarding Delp's death.

This is truly sad and a shocker....

According to his death was suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. He sealed himself inside a bathroom with two charcoal grills.

He also left two notes taped to a door and letters to his family and long time girlfriend. Police do not know the contents of the letters.

10:32 PM  
Blogger bert wolfe said...

It's sad that he committed suicide. Hopefully, they'll find out why. I feel sorry for his fiancee.

On a brighter note, I came across my KGB 101FM card recently while sorting through some stuff. It made me laugh seeing it again. I remember getting their free KGB pocket-radio which was fixed to their station.

12:43 AM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

you should post a photo of the kgb card for old times sake

6:45 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4:03 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

@Bert, the latest on his death is according to 2 of several suicide notes that were left; he lost his desire to live and that he was a lonely soul.

According to his family he was a apparently a troubled man who gave all he had to give to everyone around him, whether family, friends, fans or strangers.

They also said that he gave as long as he could, as best he could, he was very tired and they take comfort in knowing that he is now, at last, at peace.

4:25 PM  
Blogger ScregMan said...

I was sitting in front of Olive Garden waiting for HotFudge when she called me with the sad news. I'm glad we got a chance to see Boston in concert the last time they were here. Nobody can sing like Brad Delp. And "More Than A Feeling" is one of the best rock songs ever recorded. Should Boston come back, I think I'm willing to see them again, but it just wouldn't be the same...

I'm not sure I'd want to know why...

The idea of someone contemplating and succeeding in committing suicide just sounds so... personal and dreadful. I can't even begin to imagine the inner turmoil...

We could ask "Why did he do it?" ad nauseum... we could hear about the notes that he left... we could listen to what his family and friends have to say, but at the end of the day, it's only between him and what ever god he might have believed in...

"Please save me I've fallen here, I am lost and alone..."
-From the song "One More Day", sung by Sinead O'Connor from the "Veronica Guerin" soundtrack.

1:57 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

@Screg, unfortunately, he had been emotional and depress for sometime. In addition to all the other diseases out there, depression is another epidemic that millions of people suffer from.

9:59 AM  

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