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Location: San Diego County, California, United States

Like shopping and finding bargains at Outlets, Discount Stores, Indoor/Outdoor Swapmeets, Yard/Garage Sales & Thrift Stores. Enjoy watching old black & white classic movies, HGTV, Food Network, VH1, AMC, TV Land, A&E, TCM, "E", Discovery, Travel and the History Channel. Pastime favorites, Gourmet Cooking, Baking, Working Out at a Gym & Tennis.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Well, Scregman and I took our last trip abroad to Italy and I must say that this was the best trip ever. The gondola ride, lagoon cruise to Venice, ruins, grottos, boat ride around the Isle of Capri, Naples bay, Tuscany’s countryside, Pisa’s leaning tower, Amalfi’s Coastline & Tivoli’s Fountain. Italy is truly a beautiful country with exception to Rome, it’s so dirty and there is graffiti everywhere; we saw the Vatican and the Pope lives in the Ghetto. Rome does have cool fashion, like Paris I did see some unusual clothes there I ended up buying 3 skirts in Rome. The natives are nice; they have great food especially the seafood and Gelato is excellent. Our tour guide was awesome and our bus driver, the way he rode those curves along the Amalfi Coast plus we met allot of nice people on the tour not like the Buffalo Herd of ladies that we met on the Spain tour. I’m not one for talking badly about people but these women were so rude that they deserve this title.

Why is this possibly the last trip abroad? Simply because there are no more places left that I’m interested in seeing. Scregman is not too big on traveling but when he comes along for the ride he has a great time. I started traveling alone early on and saw every place that interests me.

When I first started traveling I had an interest in the tropical places and wanted to see what they were like; so my 1st, 2nd & 3rd trips were the Bahamas (Nassau), Hawaii (Waikiki-Oahu) & Jamaica (Montego Bay) all 3 in which I had several bad experiences, maybe because I was traveling alone; more on those later at another Blog. Then I started to have an interest in Europe in which I went on to London, Switzerland, Northern Italy & Paris some were with a group or my cousin. Other destinations include Colorado, Missouri, Virginia, Canada, New York, Alaska, Australia, & Spain.

My cousin moved a couple of times, first to Denver in which she lived for 5 years; she loves the snow and wanted to see what that was like. That is what brought me to Colorado 3 times when I use to go and visit her, twice was to visit my cousin and the third was with her to visit her friend and go cross country skiing in Vail. Five years later she moved from Denver back to San Diego to take care of her sick mom with cancer and then from San Diego to Alaska.

With Missouri I’ve been there twice. The first time was to visit a friend in St. Louis of mine and her family and the second time was when one of my co-workers/friend who doesn’t drive lost his father and asked me to drive him and his sister there for the funeral. This was in a small town in the outskirts of Missouri in which we had to fly part of the way to Missouri and rent a car to drive the remains of the way to the small town because they didn’t have an airport.

In Richmond, Virginia, my cousin had a friend that moved there; she knew this friend when she lived in Denver so we both decided to go and visit her.

What took Scregman and I to New York was his high school friend wedding.

I decided to go to Vancouver when I helped my cousin move from San Diego to Alaska; so we droved along the coast, through San Francisco, Oregon & Washington said our goodbyes, she went on to Alaska and I to Canada. Three years later I went to Anchorage to go and visit her.

With Sydney, I’ve always wanted to see it and it helped financially because Scregman has an aunt and cousin that live there, so we had a place to stay and didn’t have to worry about hotel expenses and we rarely ate out because Scregman’s aunt cooked nearly everyday.

I’ve heard from several people that Africa was the best trip they’ve ever taken and how there’s nothing like a Safari ride. I have 2 cousins that live in Japan and one cousin in Germany that really like it there. I’ve also heard from co-workers that have done the Amazon Rain Forest and really enjoyed it; I just never had an interest in any of these places.

I’ve heard great things about Amsterdam from friends and co-workers, Amsterdam scares me, I consider it the country of Sin because there are just too many things that are legal there. And then there is Prague, one of my co-workers just came from there and he said it was awesome.

The only other place that I would consider traveling abroad to would be Sicily. Our tour guide on the Italy trip said that we gotta come back to Italy to see Sicily; I’m very curious about the little villages where the Mafia came from. Last, there’s still the Americas and their National Parks; I have to see Yosemite and Yellow Stone.


Blogger caninecologne said...

Welcome HotFudge!!! I love your layout and blog already!!!

9:57 PM  
Blogger bert wolfe said...

Hey there HotFudge. Very cool blog. I look forward to reading your insights and comments.

Too bad you don't feel like traveling anymore. I'm sure that feeling will wear off and you'll find someplace that interests you. After all, the world is a pretty big place.

10:01 PM  
Blogger mikshir said...

Yay! Here you is!

There are still plenty of places to see that I'm very interested in seeing. I'd go pretty much anywhere within reason. Everywhere has something interesting to offer. I don't travel much anymore but when I do it's usually to places I've already been... sometimes it doesn't even feel like traveling.

Oh, and Amsterdam's great, as bad as what I think you or many might have in mind given their tolerances. I feel safer there than in, say, Tijuana.

12:21 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Thanks Canine & Bert.

I remember when Scregman use to try and convince me to join when you, him and Mulyusa had already joined. Now that I'm recovering from surgery I have more time on my hands.

Thane & Bert,
Regarding traveling, sometimes I think about going to London again; I loved it there. If I had a choice of a foreign country to live in it would be London.

Since Screg like New York I told him that he would love London. It's like a melting pot, very diverse and I like the people; they are very friendly.

With Amsterdam, I'll have to give it some thought. If Scregman's Capoeira class were to take him to Brazil I would consider going there.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Mulysa said...

we should plan a road trip for yellow stone and yosemite. i love camping.

i can see it now:

2 rv's.

i'll drive one with the women, and ronin'll drive the other with the kids..

who's signin' up?!!

12:20 AM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Hey, let me know, I'm gamed if you are.

11:30 AM  
Blogger ScregMan said...

Dearest HotFudge...

If only we'd met sooner. Then I would've joined you during all your travels. Regardless, I am now your travelling companion for life ;)

12:55 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Ahh, how sweet!

6:57 PM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

awwww...tito pass me some tissues...

i think you would have a FUN time driving the kids

8:01 PM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Thanks for correcting my typo. I had just realized that I meant to say Awww instead of Ahh and was about to log in and correct it.

9:37 PM  
Blogger caninecologne said...

did i correct your typo? that wasn't my intent. i didn't even think that. but i got what you meant. : )

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Travel is such a great part of life. It's interesting that we can have such strong preferences for where we're willing to spend our time.

Shogun and I were thinking about going to Hawaii with his parents this summer. We have free airline tickets and the hotel would be free since they have a timeshare. However, we just couldn't muster the excitement to say yes.

The idea of laying around a beach or going on mini-excursions just does nothing for me. However, bumming around an old city, farting around in cafes all day sounds delightful. Especially if it's a little chilly and requires drinking copious amounts of coffee during the day and cocktails at night.

8:09 AM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Lotus, I’m with you; I do prefer Europe over the Islands.
The islands have a tendency of being hot and muggy and I'm not a beach person either.

I love the countryside’s in European countries and there’s nothing like a stroll along a crocked street or cobblestone alley while shopping in overcast or rainy weather.

In London, my roommate on the tour and I plus another lady droved to a little town in the Countryside called Caltswald near Oxford. It was beautiful, so plush and green with mini castles.

There's just something about people watching at a cafe in a little town or city while eating and/or sipping on a drink.

12:51 AM  
Blogger HotFudge said...

Hello emigrant,

There are just some jingles that stay with you as a kid and you never forget.

I had those 3 games as a kid, but of course don't remember what happened to them.

I just recently bought some of them for my friends kids and myself except for Operation.

With Operation, I don't think I'd enjoy it as much now as I did growing up.

12:38 AM  

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